Posted July 14, 2017
Hot Style in the City
We don’t know what it’s like where you live, but here in Washington, DC, summers are hell for frizz control. Bubbles Woodland Park Salon Pros (and real life #BubblesBesties) Heather and Saba say why fight mother nature?
Follow these simple steps to recreate their top 5 air dry hair styles sure to keep you looking cool and feeling fresh until the humidity breaks in September.
Air Dry Hair Styles: Half Twist + Fun Bun
Air Dry Hair Styles: Step by Step Tutorial
Step 1: Prep dry hair with Cibu Finista Flexible Finishing Spray to add texture, resist humidity
Step 2: Create 2 small braids (1 behind each ear) secure with clear elastic and puff out braids with fingers
Step 3: Create middle part, grab thick front sections on both sides, twist back sections together, secure with elastic tie
Step 4: Wrap small side braids around side twists
Finish Look 1: Half Twist
Trending: Air Dry Hair
Add Bubbles Salons Daily Pop! to your bookmarks so you don’t miss any #BubblesBesties Air Dry Hair Style Tutorials, created by our very own Bubbles Salon Professionals (and real life #BubblesBesties), Heather and Saba.

Bubbles Woodland Park Salon Pros (and real life #BubblesBesties) Heather (left) and Saba (right)