Posted October 24, 2016
How to Spot A Cibu ZomBAE
ZomBAE (N) 1. A deceased human partially returned to life. Unlike the more common “Zombie” variety, a Cibu ZomBAE is identified by epic awesomeness of hair style.

Macabre Milennial ZomBAE
1991 – 2016
Cause of death: Walked into traffic on Snapchat
Caution: Bite’s victims neck after luring them to pose for selfie
How to Spot a Macabre Milennial ZomBAE:Cibu ZomBae hairstyle: Mermaid of Fishtail Braid
- Matte lip
- Novelty t-shirt with period vernacular expression i.e; “Literaly I Can’t” or “But First, Coffee”
- Distressed “Boyfriend” style denim pants
- Caged high heel sandals
- Can of Cibu Finista Flexible Finishing Spray (thought to be responsible for eternal preservation of epically awesome hairstyle)
What To Do If You Spot A Cibu ZomBAE
- Take a picture of Cibu ZomBAE on smart phone
- Post picture on Instagram
- Tag picture #CibuZomBAE
- Follow Cibu & Bubbles Salons on Instagram +Cibuforhair & @BubblesSalons
You can shop Cibu at all Bubbles locations or online at